Ending 2020 with Gratitude

Wooden blocks spell out 'thank you' on a table.

Pivot. Work from home. “Can everyone hear me okay?”. Synergy. Unprecedented. Best practices. The business world was introduced to a whole new set of catchphrases this year but, at True North HR Consulting, our word of the year is definitely gratitude. The global pandemic and ensuing lockdowns have changed the way that the world works. […]

Working Parents and Accommodations for Online Learning

Mother sitting on the couch working on a laptop and the kid playing beside her.

Just when we think we’ve got the working from home thing all figured out, 2020 throws one more hurdle into our path. With school boards across the country introducing new virtual learning plans and revised in-class schedules, many working parents have been left scrambling to accommodate this “new normal”. Let’s take a look at the […]


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