Working Parents and Accommodations for Online Learning

Mother sitting on the couch working on a laptop and the kid playing beside her.

Just when we think we’ve got the working from home thing all figured out, 2020 throws one more hurdle into our path. With school boards across the country introducing new virtual learning plans and revised in-class schedules, many working parents have been left scrambling to accommodate this “new normal”. Let’s take a look at the […]

What Happens When There is No Employment Contract?

Woman hides face in frustration while using laptop.

In our last blog, we took a look at the importance of a clear and concise employment contract for both the employer and the employee. Let’s now take a look at what happens when there is no employment contract in effect, especially when issues arise.  There have been so many instances where our clients have […]

The Importance of Employment Contracts

Business man and woman signing papers.

What do you think is the most important thing that an employer can do to protect themselves, no matter the size of their business or their industry? Having an employment contract that has been reviewed by an employment lawyer and that clearly defines the nature of the employment relationship is so very valuable to all […]

The Advantages of Promoting a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Blurred motion of business people walking at a office lobby.

Health is, really, the only leg we must stand on. As soon as we’re feeling unwell, everything else in our lives tends to crumble; we don’t have the energy to nurture our relationships, our quality of life slips away, and you can forget about any substantial level of productivity at work. In all likelihood, the […]

Creating an LGBTQ-Friendly Workplace (Without Making a Big Deal About It)

Creating an LGBTQ-Friendly Workplace

The world is designed for straight, cisgender people, and throughout history paying lip service to this binary was vital to ensure one’s safety and prosperity in Western society. With this dim past, it’s a small wonder many members of the queer community feel the need to diminish or outright hide their identity at work. The […]

Millennial Burnout

Two office workers collaborating.

Adding to the stereotypes of Millennials being self-absorbed, spoiled, and dependent on handheld technology, Millennials are now often being referred to as the “burnout generation”. Of these qualities, the latter may be the only one with a ring of truth to it – it’s also the one that should give employers the most cause for […]


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