Mental Health Support in the Workplace

A woman sitting in front of a laptop, deep in thought, with a brain symbolizing thinking.

The current pandemic has brought workplace health and wellness into the spotlight, but much of the focus has been on our physical health. COVID-19 has also taken a huge toll on our mental health and it is important that employers are ready with support in the workplace.    A Culture of Support   One of […]

Infectious Disease Emergency Leave in the Province of Ontario

A woman wearing a mask on a laptop engaged on a video call.

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit in early 2020, no one was prepared for the effect it would have on the workforce. From designated essential services to forced closures to social distancing measures, this has truly been an unprecedented process for both employers and employees to adapt to. The possibility of a second wave is […]

The Advantages of Promoting a Mentally Healthy Workplace

Blurred motion of business people walking at a office lobby.

Health is, really, the only leg we must stand on. As soon as we’re feeling unwell, everything else in our lives tends to crumble; we don’t have the energy to nurture our relationships, our quality of life slips away, and you can forget about any substantial level of productivity at work. In all likelihood, the […]

Millennial Burnout

Two office workers collaborating.

Adding to the stereotypes of Millennials being self-absorbed, spoiled, and dependent on handheld technology, Millennials are now often being referred to as the “burnout generation”. Of these qualities, the latter may be the only one with a ring of truth to it – it’s also the one that should give employers the most cause for […]


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