Are You Paying Your Employees Enough?

A man reading a document while sitting on a couch.

With salary comparisons listed all over the internet, there are many factors to consider to bring the numbers in line. Are you paying your employees enough? Let’s take a look.

Staffing Shortages and How to Overcome Them

Window with 'Help Wanted' sign

55% of small and medium-sized businesses in Canada are struggling to hire the workers they need. Some industries have been harder hit than others, with Stats Canada quoting nearly 130,000 unfilled jobs in the foodservice and accommodation sector. While there is no easy answer on how to fill these positions, we are currently helping our clients develop creative strategies to entice workers back to their roles or to recruit new staff.

HR Services for Businesses of Any Size

Business professionals working on laptops at a table from a bird's eye view.

Imagine if you could have access to your own senior-level Human Resources department without the overhead. Now you can! True North HR Consulting offers plans that cover the entire employment lifecycle, making us an expert – and affordable – option for businesses with as few as five employees! Read on to find out about our […]

Hiring the RIGHT Leader for Your Organization

A woman leading a group of business people in a meeting.

If the recent events south of the border have taught us anything, it is that any organization needs a strong, competent leader to not just thrive but to survive. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can ensure that your business attracts and retains the leadership candidates that you need.  Competence and […]

7 Essential HR Consulting Services for Small Businesses

Two women brainstorming ideas at a table with pen and paper.

Congratulations, your small business is growing! As your business expands and you start to hire employees, you want to make sure that they are properly taken care of and your own interests are protected. Working with a human resources consultant to put best practices in place is one of the most important investments that you […]

How to Attract the Best Employees for Your Small Business

A man in a suit holding a help wanted sign.

Hiring employees is an important and exciting milestone in your small business journey. Attracting the best candidates for the position is an essential part of the process. Let’s take a look at some of the steps you need to take to find the best people for your small business.  Clarity is Key Be clear and […]

What Happens When There is No Employment Contract?

Woman hides face in frustration while using laptop.

In our last blog, we took a look at the importance of a clear and concise employment contract for both the employer and the employee. Let’s now take a look at what happens when there is no employment contract in effect, especially when issues arise.  There have been so many instances where our clients have […]

The Importance of Employment Contracts

Business man and woman signing papers.

What do you think is the most important thing that an employer can do to protect themselves, no matter the size of their business or their industry? Having an employment contract that has been reviewed by an employment lawyer and that clearly defines the nature of the employment relationship is so very valuable to all […]


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